Senin, 18 Agustus 2014

Benefits of coconut water and lime

Benefits of coconut water and lime Increasing the body's metabolism. Drinking coconut water is suitable for you who have a digestive problem that is not smooth because the coconut water can help the body's metabolic processes so that you can be more calm, coconut water can also help intercept acid reflux.
Benefits of Coconut Water

benefits of coconut water Benefits of Coconut Water for Health and Beauty

Moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. The benefits of coconut water is the third moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. Have moist skin and look young always a dream of all women, especially the elderly who are no longer age, skin moisture and condition the skin becomes dry and rough so fast by drinking coconut water, you can still keep the moisture and youthfulness of your skin, even your age no longer young. 

This disebebkan because coconut water contains vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and potassium and contain sugar levels are quite low.

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